Petunia Productions is an independent documentary film production company founded in 2005 by Danielle Beverly. Petunia Productions produces feature observational documentaries, with director and producer Danielle Beverly often working as a one-person crew.
Here's what people are saying about Danielle Beverly's latest film, Dusty Groove: The Sound of Transition
Danielle Beverly’s latest film, Qatar Stars, follows The Olympic Stars, a rhythmic gymnastics team for girls aged 9-15. In this longitudinal coming-of-age story, the film profiles the school’s most promising gymnasts as they experience the joys and complications of girlhood in a rapidly shifting, and sometimes contradictory, contemporary Middle East.
DANIELLE BEVERLY is an independent filmmaker who works as a one-person crew to craft observational documentaries. Beverly’s newest feature documentary is Qatar Stars.
DANIELLE BEVERLY is an independent filmmaker who works as a one-person crew to craft observational documentaries. Beverly’s newest feature documentary is Qatar Stars.